Model  Trains  &  Antique

Frequently asked questions

1) What is the purpose of the site?

2) What can I find in the site?

How do I understand the value of a Marklin trains?

4) What's the difference between an analog and a digital model?

5) What is the difference between a Marklin's model and another vendor?

6) Can I use my analog locomotive on a digital circuit?

7) I'd like to approach to the Marklin model railroad, what should I do?

8) Where can I find parts for vintage trains?

9) There is a second hand market?

10) Is it possible to buy items in your collection?

11) Can I propose a model's exchange with others of my property?

12) All items on the site are available?

13) How are shipments and payments?

14)Are objects visible on your laboratory?

   1) What is the purpose of the site? is not an online shop !
The site has the expressed purpose of sharing the passion for the world of model railroad, in particular for the brand Marklin; our "mission" is to give as much information about the objects and create interest in the model railway scale.
Another very important point is to create a knowledge network among fans exchange views, information and also objects related to this spectacular miniature world!

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   2) What I can find on the website?

Inside our site you can see the features of objects Marklin (with hints on the history of the company) and other brands, countless photos and descriptions of rolling, static and dynamic objects.

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   3) How can I understand the value of Marklin’s objects?

Thanks to some manuals and catalogs, we can find the characteristics and prices of the Target brand Marklin.
The peculiarity of these models is also quote objectively given by experts
, publishers and collectors, with which you can evaluate a single item or an entire collection.
The catalog with the largest source of information is certainly the
"KOLL'S PREIS-KATALOG" published in Germany.
It 'also possible to have even an average price of sale, via price on auction sites, such as E-bay.

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   4) What is the difference between an analog or digital model?

The analog locomotives are the first to be born on Marklin and operate in alternating current by receiving the voltage from 3 rail: they have a relay inversion pulse, which determines the direction of travel of the vehicle. The engine on these models is very sturdy and the operation is much simple.

The locomotives digital are equipped with a digital decoder (DELTA SINUS MFX) through which the locomotive (or coaches with digital features) communicates with the control unit (f.e.: CENTRAL STATION) from which it receives the necessary impulses for operation and control of various functions (start, lights, sounds, etc..); very important thing is the ability to run from the same track many trains (up to 50), as they are recognized by the address assigned automatically or manually.

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    5) What is the difference between a Marklin model and another vendor?

The most marked difference is, without doubt, the operation of the locomotives is in AC, their the stability, robustness, and features. See also the Marklin History.
Many manufacturers have made efforts to create working models also in alternating current: see Rivarossi, Roco etc..
Some Marklin models are designed for
CC 2 rail system (see Ref HAMO), then do not have the grip on the track center. look our
Marklin Hamo

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   6) Can I use my analog locomotive on a digital circuit?

The type of operation is different, so you cannot , without adapter, use analog locomotive on an digital circuit or vice versa.

For the tracks the speech is different in that a binary circuit C can be used with a transformer connected to the analog binary gripping current conveniently provided with an adapter.

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7) I'd like to approach to the Marklin railroad model, what should i do? 

The possibilities are multiple, starting from a simple binary locomotive and some early arriving to plastic digital extremely complex. The first consideration is choosing the type of operation:

Analog ---> vintage
Digital ---> Current

The substantial difference between the two, apart from the operation, is the availability of the products: for the digital can be easily found in stores, while for the analog are substantially objects of the used market.
For beginners it is always advised to buy a start-set, since it is composed of all the accessories required for the realization of a small circuit.

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   8) Where can I find parts for vintage trains?

For out of production parts, are necessarily available in the used market on online sales sites (e.g: ebay), or on sites of fans
and also in the pages on our site.

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   9) Is there any flea market?

Marklin has a great flea market on the majority of its products.
There is also an official list through which you can be objective in the prices of all used items, both analog and digital : the "Koll's Preiskatalog" published in German is the more representative.
For the price of used parts is defined by the owner / seller, as there is a real list, but they are also much sought after, especially for vintage items.
Also on-line you ca find a great numbers of railroad model from Marklin , for exemple on ebay .

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10) Is it possible to buy items in your collection?

All objects visible on the site  may be purchased in individual pieces or complete convoy;

We have a lots of pieces and spare parts coming from private collections, friends or railroad model lovers: all sale are to be considered between private.

In any case we are colector and we don't have a phisical shop!

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11) Can I propose a model's exchange with other in your web site?
Certainly!  This is one of the main aims of the site: to promote the exchange of used items among fans, this occurs after contact, written or telephone with our staff.
If you have trains or other vintage toys, you can propose an exchange with other objects, or a consignment sales in our pages.

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   12) All items on the site are available or visible?

Not all of the objects visible in the site are immediately available in our room: we recommend to write and ask for their disponibilty.

Are you interested? write to the following address:

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   13) How are made the shipments ?

Deliveries are made as follows:

Courier BRT Bartolini

Courier BRT Bartolini

Extra EU:
Courier "Italian Post Office" - product "EMS Express Mail Service"
or "Raccomandata Internazionale" with tracking.

For the cost and weight please write us :



For selling and exchange : Bank transfer, Paypall orcash where possible.

14) Are objects visible on your laboratory?

Yes of course! Please contact us for an appointment and detail

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If you have other question, please contact us :

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