Model  Trains  &  Antique
marklin         |        freight cars      |          4000      1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
ID Code Thumbnail Description Epoch Year Cost / quote
€         €
5500 4500 4500 ---> view description and images  Tank wagon Aral - 10 cm long.
very good condition OBX
IV 1963 20 / 10 here
5502 4501
4501 ---> view description and images  Tank vagon ESSO with write 599 304 - metal/plastic cm 10 long. - very nice condition in original orange box IV 1957 24 / 10 here
5505 4502 4502 ---> view description and images Tank car SHELL in good condition with OBX - 10 cm leng. IV 1958 18 / 10 here
5503 4503
4503 ---> vedo descrizione e immagini  Low-sided goods truck in good conditions more pieces available OBX IV 1961 12 / 4 here
--- 4504
4504 ---> view description and images  Low-sided goods truck with car "Ford Taunus" plastica/metal cm 10 long. good condition in OBX IV  1963  not avail / 15  --- 
--- 4504
4504 ---> view description and images Low-sided goods truck with car "Ford Taunus" plastica/metal cm 10 long. good condition in OBX IV  1965 not avail / 15  --- 
5506 4505
4505 ---> vedi descrizione e immagini
Closed goods van in perfect condition
with tail light
IV 1957 25 / 8 here
4506  4506 ---> view description and images Closed goods van wiyh tail lights DB - very good condition in or. Box - 10 cm leng. IV  1957 30 / 15  here 
--- 4507  Closed goods van littered - plastic/metal cm 10 long - good condition in orig. Box - with tail lights IV  1957 not avail / 28  --- 
5511 4508 4508 ---> view description and images

Refrigereted van in excellent conditions OBX

IV 1957 14 / 8 here
---  4508.4  4508 ---> view description and images

Refrigereted van in good conditions


IV  1969  not avail / 6  --- 
5023 4509 4509 ---> view description and images Banana van

very nice condition more available

IV 1959 18 / 8 here
5520 4510.1 4510 ---> vedi descrizione e immagini Wine wagon "BORDEAUX" in excellent conditions OBX more pieces avaliable IV  1958  20 / 10  here 
5517 4510.1  4510 ---> vedi descrizione e immagini Wine wagon "BORDEAUX" in excellent conditions OBX IV  1967  10 / 10  here 
5518 4511  4511 ---> view description and images


Pulverised coal wagon in very nice conditions cm 10 leng. - in original box

IV  1961  15 / 10 here 
5518 4512 4512 ---> view description and images Original Timber truck in very nice condition - 19 cm leng. - with or. Box - rare and collectable IV 1957 30 / 35 here
--- 4512 4512 ---> view description and images Original Timber truck in excellent condition - 19 cm leng. - with or. Box - rare in this condition IV 1965 not avail / 35 ---
5023 4513  4513 ---> view description and images Tipping truck red color very good condition more pieces available
III  1963 13 / 5  here 
5519 4514  Low-sided bogie goods truck, eightwheled - metal/plastic cm 18 long. Generally good condition in original box IV 1957 20 / 10 here 
---  4515  4516 ---> view description and images Low sided boogie goods truck - cm 18 long. eightwelled - with Mercedes lorries - very nice cond. In or. Box IV  1963 not avail / 45 --- 
--- 4516 4516 ---> view description and images Platform bogie truck with stanchions  eightwelled in very good condition

IV 1959 not avail / 22 ---
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