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visit the Marklin museum

In August 2012 we went to discover the prestigious and renowned Marklin museum in the town of Göppingen (Stuttgart) where also lies the big factory.

Immagine d'epoca della fabbrica
The factory today ( similar but increased from original )
Immagine attuale della fabbrica

Vehicle entrance to the factory: in the inner court also take place gatherings of fans in the days open to the public.
 Entrata carraia fabbrica Goppingen

Below you can see the repoduction of the legendary Stuttgart railway station : rare object pre-war

Stuttgart station today.



The museum / shop is devided into areas dedicated to different types and eras of construction: There is a part all reseved to the childrens, with games and model toys ( the museum seems to be a place of recreation for the father but also for their chindren!). Other remaing space is for the sale, with alla digital accessories, and for the model showcases

Museum is always under construction and change: this year the main theme is the anniversary of Z scale, so there is a large area dedeicated to it, with small plastic and vitrine dedicated to the old and new models.

The path inside is made of course by the windows of different sizes, where are esposed the most exclusive models of the rare collection.

Exclusive model "1891 A1" probably one of the first built, it was hand made and painted, irregulary shaped, but surely charm and value to collectors; such as a part of collection this loco, after the theft, was found on january 2005.

 Marklin A1 scala 1

 Exemplary completely destroyed : is held as a memory of the theft of 2005.

Loco R 190 recuperata


Below a list of the best tin toys an trains model

Steal loco 1021B scale "0"

Loco 1021B

Steam loco E3021 scale "0"

Steam loco H 1021 scale “0”


 "Crocodrile SBB" various models and scale

Old R 700 LMS steam loco rare and collectable

Showcases with various models "800" series : scale 00

Models series in H0 scale"

CCS 800 chassis and engine, first version 

CCS 800 section 

Showcase with trains of 800 end, including the legendary "Adler: scale "0" and "1"
Figures scale  "1" e "0" : year 1930 circa

Train prototype "Zeppelin" years '30  scale "0" elettric

Marklin "Victoria" reproduction of passenger steam ship from the early 1920s

Marklin "Jolanda"
Steam ship propeller : produced in 1900 circa.

Series of cannon
Large kitchen fully metal : wonderfull

Below steam engines

The visit ended with a few purchases : items for sale are mostly digital, part of the wide range currently available, including various accessories.
We love the old trains model, the cast iron, so we did'nt a special expences, but only some catoloque and books in the section dedicated on store.
In conclusion the visit at the Marklin Museum was for us, but expecially for me, a real nice experience!

This experience increase my knowledge in a Marklin brand and now i know the entire chain of Marklin production.


Departure from Milan at 10 am and arrival in Stuttgart at 5 pm: route is not very long (about 450 Km) but with intricate work in progress an queues all the time; good think, in Germany do not pay the highway!!

Overnight stay in Stuttgart and, in the morning, we leave for Goppingen, about fifteen Kilometers from the hotel: we passed near the station, and as you can see, is very similar to the model in "00"scale .

We arrived to the factory in the morning and after a few visit, we leave for museum.

As you can see, the factory is very similar to that seen on postcard, book and various magazines, probably increasing .

Below the factory as it was in the early 900.

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