Modellismo Ferroviario Antichità
ID Codice Miniatura Descrizione Epoca Anno Costo   valore
€     €
6700 504 Luggage car class - diecast model cm 14 long - good condition unboxed   1955 25 / 25 here
6701 506 A low sided wagon with green cover - diecast model cm 14 long - very nice condition unboxed / 1954 50 / 40 here
6702 508 B A closed wagon refrigetor with sliding door - diecast mopel cm 14 long . - reasonable condition unboxed / 1954 50 / 50 here
6703 512 A low-sided wagon - diecast model cm 14 long . - very nice condition unboxed / 1954 40 / 40 here
6706 513 A wagon with breakmens cabin - diecast model cm 14 long . - very nice condition unboxed / 1954 40 / 40 here
6709 515  Passengers car class 2/3 - diecast model cm 14 long - good condition unboxed / 1954 20 / 20 here
6707 521  A wagon with red car - diecast model cm 14 long . - very nice condition unboxed / 1955 70 / 80 here
6708 525  A wagon with airplane - diecast model cm 14 long . - very nice condition unboxed / 1955 60 / 50 here
--- 527   Passenger car with write "MILANO-ROMA" -diecast model 21,5 cm long / 1954 not avail /50 ---
5718 534 A wagon with militay cars - diecast cm 14 long - very nice condition unboxed / 1952 120 / 120 here
5720 542 A sleeping car CIWL - diecast model cm 22 long - very nice condition unboxed / 1955 70 /100 here
5726 560 Passenger car with write "MILANO-ROMA" -diecast model 21,5 cm long - good condition - with interior lights - unboxed / 1955 70/100 here
5721 565  Passenger car 2 class - diecast model cm 14 long - with interior lights - good condition unboxed / 1955 70/70 here
5727 567 A closed wagon with breakmens cabin - diecast mopel cm 14 long . - with tail lights very nice condition unboxed / 1955 70/100 here
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