model  trains  &  antique

marklin trains
Marklin : H0
Marklin : others scale
Marklin : accessories
Marklin : set
Marklin : spare parts
Marklin : various
Marklin : Hamo

Cataloque manual

Dioramas & Buildings
trains other brands

Cars / Wagon

Model car
  • Various brand
  • Dinky toys
  • Corgi toys
  • Matchbox


marklin trains
Marklin : H0
Marklin : others scale
Marklin : accessories
Marklin : set
Marklin : spare parts
Marklin : various
Marklin : Hamo

Cataloque manual

Dioramas & Buildings

trains other brands

Cars / Wagon

Model car
  • Various brand
  • Dinky toys
  • Corgi toys
  • Matchbox

antique & various




The History

Märklin (MÄRKLIN or MAERKLIN in capital letters) is a German toy manufacturer, founded in 1859. They start producing metal and after trains model from the end of '800. The Märklin, based in Göppingen (Germany), was for many years the world's leading manufacturers of model trains. It has always been known for the originality of its models with a majority or full metal design and the particular operation in direct and alternating current, in Germany and in the rest of the world is considered synonymous with model railways.

View the pageof museum in Göppingen ---> here

In some parts of Germany and of the world, the company's name is almost synonymous with model railroads.

Märklin released its first wind-up train with cars that ran on expandable track in 1891, noting that railroad toys had the potential to follow the common practice of doll houses, in which the initial purchase would be enhanced and expanded with more accessories for years after the initial purchase. To this end, Märklin offered additional rolling stock and track with which to expand its boxed sets.

Märklin is responsible for the creation of several popular model railroad gauges or scale, noteworthy exceptions being N scale and Wide gauge. In 1891, Märklin defined gauges 1-5 as standards for toy trains and presented them at the Leipzig Toy Fair. They soon became international standards. Märklin followed with O gauge (by some accounts as early as 1895 or as late as 1901), H0 scale in 1935, and the diminutive Z scale, 1:220, in 1972 - smallest in the world for decades.

Today, Märklin manufactures and markets trains and accessories in Gauge 1, H0 scale, and Z scale. In 1994 Märklin acquired a Nuremberg based model train manufacturer Trix. Today Trix is another brand of Märklin Holding and covers N-scale and DC-operated H0 scale. Märklin's older trains are considered highly collectible today, and Märklin's current offerings enjoy premium status among hobbyst.

Although Märklin is best known for its trains, from 1914 to 1999, the company produced mechanical construction sets similar to Meccano and Erector. Between 1967 and 1982, the company produced a slotcar system called Märklin Sprint. Märklin also produced numerous other toys over the years, including lithographed tinplate toy
, automobiles and boats.

On 11 May 2006, the company, which had until then been owned by the three families Märklin, Friz and Safft, was sold to the British investment group Kingsbridge Capital, with the support of the employees. The new shareholders plan to restructure the company and make it profitable again. The purchase price was approximately $38 million. At the time, Märklin had approximately $70.5 million in debt, as a result of several years of slumping sales.

In 2007, the company expanded its product offering by buying the remaining assets of the bankrupt firm, Ernst Paul Lehmann Patentwerk, who owned the LGB brand and product line of G scale model railways.
On 4 February 2009 Märklin filed for insolvency at the Göppingen municipal court. Almost exactly a year later, on 5 February 2010, Märklin announced a return to profitability.

Below you can see the history of the brand Marklin from 1859:


The tracks

Currently available are the following tracks:

Track M : This is with ballast in nuances of brown, all-metal, the early versions of the central conductor consisted of a real rail (thus the name "third rail"), and thereafter was replaced by a set of contact points in relief, making the track better esthetically. The tracks are no longer produced M, and currently can only be found in the used market .

Track C : This is the successor of the track M; the ballast has a gray plastic, and an easy attachment system, and electrically reliable track is ideal not only for plastic routes, but also for paths that must be frequently disassembled and reassembled . It is available in various curvatures.

Track K: this is a track without ballast, only with rails, sleepers and points of contact, looks very realistic; is only suitable for hard plastic, it is, in fact, more fragile, could be damaged in case of frequent disassembly. It is available in various curvatures, also exists in a flexible format, which allows you to create curved paths "ad hoc".


The Scale

Märklin produced a four type of scale for theirs trains model:
Scale 0
Scale 00
Scale H0
Scale Z

The rolling stock


The current production includes locos from German, French, Dutch, Swiss, Austrians, Spaniards, Americans, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Hungarian, Italian, and Luxembourg.
The evolution
has led to an increasing use of electronics, which also saw the collaboration of Motorola. The engines, once made by Marklin in-house, are now purchased from outside companies, such as the Swiss Maxon, a world leader in precision electro-equipment market. Sophisticated decoder and sound modules mean that the site Marklin hours reproduce all the sounds with remarkable realism, and are equipped with features such as the dropping distance and total control of front and rear lights. All in metal casing, as in the days of "toys" of the 50s of last century, but with infinite detail, too often in metal, rigorously applied.


Passengers car and wagon

The production of cars Märklin had, until a few years ago, as the main feature, the use of metal. Business opportunities have also suggested in recent years to promote the wealth of detail, increasing use of plastics. However, only recently out of production passenger cars made of metal, 24 cm long anachronistically (that are in scale 1:87 in height and width, but in 1:100 scale for the the length), which still exert considerable appeal to passionate. Although passenger cars "short" two and three axes were produced for decades, in metal.

The request for more details, and probably the largest cost of implementation, as this has led to abandon the production, with great regret of many friends of Märklin, which will continue the collection, looking for them and by paying a high price in the market.

The total production of passenger coaches and freight wagons is remarkable. Some specimens reach prices above those of the rolling driving, such as the carriages of the train the French "Le Capitole", or Italian cars in general. Even some of the 50 wagons and 60 have substantial quotations, over one hundred euros. Not to mention the pre-war models, which exceed even 200 or 300 euros for price quotes


As mentioned
, some Märklin rolling stock have a great value, but, are not very many, of course! Even if the overall value is not so low. To get an idea of the production you can purchase the Märklin Preiskatalog historical catalog published each year, which lists and describes the production Marklin from its origins to today. The catalog also gives the prices for individual models, but such data are to be considered purely indicative, as the Italian market check prices significantly higher, particularly for the rare material Railway.

On our website, you can find the quotations of models available and the price of many models on the market, and if you need more information you can contact our staff here


The Marklin has always produced all the accessories by his self, and only recently has relied on outside contractors for its branded products. The new catenary, produced by Viessmann is the main example. The signals have recently been enriched by a new range of realistic operating in digital or traditional, which is currently in the catalog next to the old range, in production for over 40 years. The old signals are extremely rugged, and, with respect to that wing, stick to the model. Faultless operation, as for trade, influence on the trains, the possibility of manual / automatic or both.

In the range of accessories Marklin a special place it is up to two objects that cannot fail in a model that respects: turntable and crane. Two legendary items, products for decades, which have characterized and qualified production. The crane "7051" and the platform 7189, accompanied by the filing locomotives, all three made in metal, are still contended on the market, and are widely preferred to the current models, made in plastic.

Trains control system

Analog System

It consist of a tranformer, with a knob: the voltage is changed turning the knob ( about 4 to 16 volts): the trains change the speed gear.
The analog transformer ca be used to control analog an digital system circuit (is not possible the opposite).
Transformer is also a switch that allows the reversal of trains, unlike the current analog system, where the reverse gear is obtained by reversing the polarity of the current system in the reverse gear.; pressing a button (or by turning the knob to the left beyond the limit switch), it sends a surge on the rails, locomotives and in the analog trigger a relay inside the locomotive itself, with consequent reversal of

The analog system is simpler to control the trains, but is not without complications, in case of tracks of a certain complexity, the main disadvantage of the analogue system is that the transformer action affects all trains on the track: in words poor, turning the speed control to the right, all the trains accelerate, turning to the left, all the trains slow down, and so on.
To overcome this problem, you can use the so-called isolation of the track: the electrically isolating section is the path into multiple slices, leaving the control of each section to a different processor, thus, more trains can be controlled independently, provided that they are in different sections

Marklin DELTA

This is an entry-level digital train control, born as a simplification of the system including more than Märklin Digital, with it you can control, on the same time, and without resorting to dissection, up to 4 locomotives independently from each 'other (which means in practice that while a locomotive moves forward at a certain speed, another can step back, yet another move at different speeds, a fourth stand still, etc..), this is made possible by the presence in locomotives, digital decoders that receive and interpret commands sent from the control station on track Delta.
Delta A locomotive can be controlled by a similar transformation, from a central Delta, or even by the most modern power-series Digital Marklin (6021 etc..) Or Marklin Systems (Mobile Station or Central Station).

                                               Marklin DIGITAL

The Central Station II. Generation unit. multiprotocol

Digital control system of trains, which allows management of a higher number of locomotives from the Delta, also allows you to control digital switches also (so-called exchanges), traffic signals and electromagnetic devices in general, thus simplifying the wiring of plastic. To control the uses of nuclear material 6021, 6036, 6040 and 6043. This system is no longer in production.
To control equipment utilizes two types of units:

Mobile Station II : control unit economic new generation (01/2010), to manage the engines up to a maximum of 10 devices and elettromagnetic objects.
Station II : control unit developed second-generation (09/2008), color screen, more features and easier interface with computers. Multiprotocol (10/2009). It is the latest evolution of digital control systems of Märklin trains. It is the system currently in production, and is fully compatible with previous digital systems.

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